Hey Everyone,
It's been exactly two weeks since having surgery, and my voice is well on it's way to recovery. Here's a recording: https://soundcloud.com/beccarosenthal/two-weeks-after-surgery.
Last week, I was able to talk for about five minutes an hour, which interestingly, is way harder than being a total mute. Going cold turkey on vocal use is way easier than trying to use my voice in a very minimal fashion. Think about it in terms of food, going from one of those crazy vegan only juice cleanses to weight watchers. I only drank fruit juice for a week--now I have access to an entire chocolate cake--but my voice could only handle a tiny crumb an hour.
I'm now up to 10-15 minutes of vocal use an hour. Because my vocal cords are still stiff from surgery, this week is about continuing to find the balance between using my voice (move my vocal cords) enough to help them loosen up and not too much swell and stiffen.
In my diet analogy, it means I can have a small slice of cake every hour, and since I can go to the gym again, I'm all for it!
Hi. I just had my second goal cord surgery in 7 weeks. My first was to remove nodules and bad scar tissue. Supposedly everything went great but when my voice, after the longest week of my life of being mute, did not improve, at my one month check up they found a huge hemorragic polyp. I went in last week for my second surgery and now I am mute again for another week. The recovery the second time around was easier (I was in a lot of pain first time) but the no talking did not get easier. Glad to hear someone understands what going mute is like. I am glad you can sing again. I am hoping i do not have to go through this ever again. It definitely ,aces you appreciate so much more. Refuah shelema!